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UX Design for complex system

Project Overview

The project was developed in order to assist the KKL organization in its digital transformation and the process of future adaptation to the 21st century.
The “Tender management system” is an internal complex system that enables users to create new tenders, manage them, and save them for years.
The platform was created for KKL Workers to optimize their working processes and create an intuitive user experience. Currently, this is not the final version of the project, as it is still in progress

My Role In This Project


The Problem

Their current tender system is outdated and doesn't give them the option to manage and track their tenders for a long time and receive real-time reports.
In order to make the most of the system, I had to understand the gap between what they need and what they can do with it. The process has no work steps and appears to be a single long form.
This system extracts data from other systems within the organization that provide essential information


Our goals were to improve the functionality of the system, deliver a more intuitive and adaptable user experience, optimize work processes, and replace outdated technology with modern ones.


Observations and interviews

I observed the users, checking their work environment, how and when they used the product, and their user flows and scenarios.
After the observations, I conducted interviews with the users to identify pain points.

Who are our users?
KKL organization workers use the internal systems on a daily basis.
Tender managers enter the control and management process.
What are they doing?
In the system, users can create new tenders, then submit them 
After adding suppliers who participated in the tender, they select the winning suppliers based on predetermined criteria. Following that, they continue to manage the tender and keep up with the established procedure for many years to come.
When will they use the product? 
On a daily basis for opening and documenting or for short or long-term monitoring of the tenders.

The Solution

Creating a modular and holistic system that provides real-time updates to all tenders and work steps - breaking down the process into stages.
The goal is to reduce cognitive noise by showing only relevant actions at a given time and hiding everything else.
Providing an optimal solution - dividing the tender into main phases and subphases for better navigation.
The monitoring and control of the tender is achieved through the creation of a dashboard.

Home Page

The home page is a page where you can navigate into the system itself or to additional interface pages.
This upper bar displays notifications about messages and reminders that are received in tenders.
Another way to navigate within the system is through the sidebar.

מכרזים – 19.png
התקשרויות – 1.png

New Design

Add New Tender Page

As you can see, this page shows the beginning of the process for adding a new tender to the system, which consists of nine steps and only displays relevant fields at each step
As part of the system, we created a main stepper that will move us between different stages of the tender
The side stepper lets us know where we are in the process.

New Design

מכרזים – 18.png
התקשרויות - פרטי התקשרות.png

Add New Suppliers

The second step in this procedure involves adding suppliers who entered the tender with all their details to the system.
In the following step, a winning supplier is selected, and from there the contract is actually continued with him. 
The user Enters all essential information into the system, including contacts, documents, options, extensions, etc.

New Design

מכרזים – 18.png
התקשרויות - - יציאה למכרז - ספקים בהליך  - הוספת ספק חדש – 2.png

Dashboard Page

Dashboard is a new tool that allows tracking and creating actions over time in the system
Using the dashboard, managers can view all tender stages and financial expenses at any given time
Using a stepper and tabs, users can move between parts of the system and initiate actions.

לוח בקרה מסך ראשי.png

Action Connection Feature

The action concentration feature allows users to contact the committee and perform additional actions.
With the feature, users are able to access it from all screens, simplifying the process of opening a request for each action currently required. Visibility and service are based on existing conventions from mobile, making the user experience simple and convenient.

ריכוז פעולות - מרכזי.png
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